Honors Courses

Honors Placement Process

At Granada Middle School, we endeavor to offer an academic program that ensures all of our students are challenged appropriately and prepared to meet the demands of high school. Honors and Accelerated courses are one way in which we address the needs of our students. These courses follow a rigorous curriculum, and teachers hold high expectations for students who are placed in these classes. 


The process for selecting students to participate in the Honors and Accelerated courses is extensive and includes multiple measures of criteria:


Incoming 6th Grade Students

Placement criteria will determine enrollment. In order of priority, this includes:

  • Honors ELA: CAASPP/State Testing scores, End-of-Year Reading Inventory scores, District Writing Benchmark scores, End-of-Year Report Card grades, Work Habits grade, and Teacher Recommendation.  

  • Accelerated Math: CAASPP/State Testing scores, Placement Test score, District Common Assessment/Benchmark scores, End-of-Year Report Card grades, Work Habits grade, and Teacher Recommendation.  


6th & 7th Grade Students Currently Enrolled in an Honors/Accelerated Course:

Students currently in one of our Honors or Accelerated classes will continue enrollment in those classes as long as they are adequately meeting the course requirements with a grade of B- or better. Should a student not be adequately meeting the course requirements, earning a C, D or F at the end of the semester, he/she may not be recommended for continued enrollment in the course.


Please Note: Students ought to expect a significant amount of homework on most evenings, with a workload much greater than non-honors courses. Additionally, while our teachers will certainly be available to answer questions, significant support outside of class time will be unavailable to students taking honors and accelerated courses, such as after-school tutoring. Keep in mind, students who fail to meet the expectations of the curriculum could be considered for removal from the class.